June 5, 2019
A Successful Interview Starts With Your “Behind the Scenes” Prep Work
by Chris Winterboer
You expect candidates to do their homework before an interview……but what about yours?! Ensuring a successful interview starts with four easy steps. Take a moment to make sure your ducks are in a row, the team is on board with the strategy and your message is on point. Then, when the interview is a smashing hit you can seamlessly slide into offer, acceptance and onboarding!
Do The Prep Work
- Create A Candidate File
- Application
- Assessment
- References
- Non-competes
2. Deputize A Coordinator
- Commit to timely interview feedback
- Work backwards from the ideal start date to plan future interviews
3. Do The Dollars Make Sense?
- Compare your budget parameters to the candidate’s expectations
- Promote benefits and unique perks
- Prepare to discuss compensation
4. Let Your Culture Shine
- Stand out by promoting your organization on social media
- Make your employees a top recruiting resource
Streamline The Process
- Ask pointed questions. Get to the heart of the candidate’s technical proficiency and cultural fit.
- Prepare for scheduling conflicts. Expect the unexpected. Reminder: time kills all deals.
- Give candidates a clear understanding of the process. If you set expectations, make sure to follow through.
- It’s never too early to prepare for a counteroffer.
For more recruiting tips, check out our FAQs and contact Chris Winterboer!