December 5, 2022

Is Interview Prep Wasting My Time? The Universal 3-Part Interview Script Insurance Organizations Follow

by Kris Gibson

We’ve all heard the expression, “There is more than one way to skin a cat.” We generally don’t think about it, for if we do, we have to wonder, who in the hell is skinning cats? Moreover, is there really more than one way? Thankfully, we all know what the less literal meaning of the phrase is, and the sentiment is often applicable.

When it comes to interviews, specifically preparing for them, it bears remembering that there is, indeed, more than one way. Each company and person you interview with will have their specific styles, tendencies, or preferences, and you’ll have to adapt to those. There are, however, three key things you are always being evaluated or judged on, despite how the nuances of things unfold.

1) Personal. This is the part that falls under the often used “culture fit”. Do you fit the organization’s culture, values, and style? You cannot really prepare for this, and you shouldn’t, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t be judged. They want to get to know you, the person. For this part they don’t care about you the underwriter, account manager, operations leader, or claims adjuster- just who you are as an individual. What do you like? How do you communicate? What is it you find important? Determining if, or how, you can fit in with the team, culture, and organization that is in place is key to deciding if they want to offer you a position.

2) Technical. This is the opposite side of the coin from personal. Now it is about really digging in on the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have to function in the role. What kinds of accounts have you worked with? What technology and resources are you proficient in? What size of teams have you managed before? Any and all other aspects of doing the job will be explored. In this area, it is less about preparing (you know what you know) but you do want to be certain you don’t assume anything. Brag on yourself. Demonstrate your vast skillset. You want them to really see all you know and can bring.

3) Expectations. The obvious ones are things like salary, bonus, benefits, 401k, cell phone, and work schedule. The lesser thought of are bigger picture long-term things like, “What do you want to grow into in your career?” The first two points above are about the company understanding how you fit with them and their needs. This is the reverse where it is about them understanding your needs or wants and if they can fit with your expectations. These can, and likely will, evolve over time, but from the outset organizations and hiring managers want to feel as though they can deliver the things that will keep a person happy and satisfied in their career.

If you remember these three things that are being evaluated, the need for deep interview prep can become much less important. If there are ever specific questions or topics you feel may come up and you’re unsure to how to respond, a little prep never hurt. You can always reach out to us here at Capstone for help with all parts of your job search- interviewing tips included.


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